Register of Interests
Amesbury Council
Richard Charles Crook
1: Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.
State the name of your employer/company and job title
- Member
Self-employed: Richard C Crook & Partners
Director of Beacon Hill Land Ltd- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
Partner of Richard C Crook & Partners
2: Contracts
Any contract which is made between you and/or your spouse/civil partner/cohabitee (or a body in which you and/or your spouse/civil partner/cohabitee have a beneficial interest) and the authority of which you are a member:
(a) under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed; and
(b) which has not been fully discharged.
- Member
Richard C Crook & Partners Partnership
- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
Richard C Crook & Partners Partnership
3: Land
Any beneficial interest in land which is within the area of your authority. Please specify so that the land is clearly identified i.e the address of the property or Land Registry number. If you live in the authority's area you should include your home address under this heading as owner, lessee or tenant.
- Member
Appletree Cottage, Flower Lane, Amesbury
18 Kickdom Close, Amesburay
46 Salisbury Road, Amesbury
Vineys Farm, Amesbury, SP4 7HW Agricultural Holding no: 45 181 0005Owner
16 Countess Road, Amesbury
18 Countess Road, Amesbury- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
Appletree Cottage, Flower Lane, Amesbury
18 Kickdom Close, Amesbury
46 Salisbury Road, Amesbury
Vineys Farm SP4 7HW Agricultural Holding no. 45 181 0005
4: Licences
Any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of your authority for a month or longer.
- Member
Rented land - agricultural holding no. 45 181 0005
- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
- None.
5: Corporate Tenancies
Any tenancy where (to your knowledge):
(a) the landlord is your authority; and
(b) the tenant is a body in which you and/or your spouse/civil partner/cohabitee has a beneficial interest.
- Member
- None.
- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
- None.
6: Securities
Any beneficial interest in securities of a body where:
(a) that body, to your knowledge, has a place of business or land in the area of your authority; and
(b) either-
(i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or
(ii) if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which you and/or your spouse/civil partner/cohabitee has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.
- Member
- None.
- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
- None.
7: Sponsorship
Any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from your authority) made or provided within the relevant period in respect of any expenses incurred by you in carrying out duties as a member, or towards your election expenses.
This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992(a).
- Member
Member of the Conservative Party
8: Other interests, gifts and hospitality as specified in your Council's Code of Conduct or that you wish to register voluntarily
Any interests, gifts or hospitality required to be disclosed by your Council’s Code of Conduct which are not appropriate for inclusion any of the previous sections and that you wish to register publicly.
- Member
- None.
- Spouse/Civil Partner/Cohabitee
- None.