Marriage Ceremony

Sign in

If you have already registered please click here to sign in else please read details below on registering.


Before using this system, you must have already booked your ceremony and have a booking reference number which you can find in your booking confirmation. If you do not have a booking reference number, please contact the registration service.

Registration instructions

  1. Click here to register.
  2. Enter a valid email address, press send verification code. This email address will have to match the email address you gave when booking the ceremony.
  3. Check the email account for an email from Microsoft. It may take a minute to arrive.
  4. Copy the code and paste it into the verification code box back on the website and press Verify Code.
  5. Complete the rest of the details on the form, Password etc. and then press the Create button to create an account. You will be redirected to a booking details page.
  6. Enter a valid booking reference and press submit. If a valid booking reference is entered and the email account matches the contact email you will be asked to confirm the ceremony details.
  7. Upon confirming the details correct you will be redirected to the ceremony homepage.