Wiltshire and Swindon Historic Environment Record
Details for record number ST97NE610
Title / Name
Undated Settlement, East of Manor Farm
A possible settlement and enclosures are visible on aerial photography.
Monument Types and Dates
BANJO ENCLOSURE; SETTLEMENT, Prehistoric (-500000 to 42)
Other Details
Source Detail: Wiltshire County Council, 1971
Title: A11/220154
Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI14487
Source Detail: Ford, W.J., 1976
Title: A Survey of the Archaeology of the Chippenham Area
Summary: Area Survey - original maps missing from the document Main author was W. J. Ford, County Archaeologist Source ID: SWI22532
Additional Information: Wiltshire County Archaeological Service
Source Detail: King, S. J., 1981
Title: The Archaeology of Langley Burrell
Summary: Survey Source ID: SWI26593
Description: The site consists of three adjoining, sub-rectangular, banked enclosures, the north of which lies various ditch alignments. The northerly enclosure may be a banjo enclosure. Finds from the site (after fieldwalking on two occasions) consisted of two sherds of Roman pottery, one piece of pennant stone, five sherds of medieval pottery and one sherd of post medieval pottery.
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