Wiltshire and Swindon Historic Environment Record

Details for record number ST95NE602



Title / Name

Probable Medieval Moat, South of Poulshot


A circular moated site, probably medieval.

Monument Types and Dates

MOAT; FISHPOND; RIDGE AND FURROW, Medieval (1066 to 1539)

Other Details

Source Detail: No Originator information.,

Title: No title information.

Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI1187

Additional Information: Wiltshire Archaeological Magazine Volume 19

Description: A circular moated site and associated fish ponds, probably part of medieval village of Poulshot (see 452). Well defined ridge and furrow along with the headlands are visible on the 2001 Wiltshire County Council aerial photograph.

Source Detail: Wiltshire County Council, 1971

Title: A12/220213

Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI14515

Source Detail: Wiltshire County Council, 1981

Title: K14/4181 120-121

Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI17652

Source Detail: Wiltshire County Council, 1991

Title: N15/123 91 044-045

Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI19971

Source Detail: County Archaeology Service, Chippenham,

Title: AER 309-11

Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI2296

Source Detail: RCHME, 1996

Title: The Avebury Project, the Medieval and Post Medieval Assessment

Summary: Desktop assessment Source ID: SWI23528

Additional Information: RCHME

Source Detail: County Archaeology Service, Chippenham,

Title: AER/C/111-2

Summary: Aerial Photograph slide Source ID: SWI2540

Source Detail: County Archaeology Service, Chippenham,

Title: AER 310-311

Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI26620

Source Detail: RCHME,

Title: D/ST9658/2/NMR 10326/116

Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI4179

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