Wiltshire and Swindon Historic Environment Record

Details for record number SU17SW453



Title / Name

Mid 16th Century Dovecote, Avebury Manor


Circular medieval dovecote.

Monument Types and Dates

DOVECOTE, Medieval (1066 to 1539)

Other Details

Source Detail: Pevsner, N. + Cherry, B., 1975

Title: The Buildings of England, Wiltshire (1975 Edition)

Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI16505

Description: A circular dovecote.

Source Detail: Historic England, 2020

Title: Case Name: Dovecote at Avebury Manor - descheduling

Summary: Advice Report Source ID: SWI28797

Description: The national importance of the dovecot was recognised when it was scheduled in 1959 (National Ref: 1005656, WI 248). However, the criteria for scheduling were no longer met when reviewed in 2020. Subsequently it was de-scheduled and the structure more appropriately managed as a listed building.

Source Detail: No Originator information.,

Title: Dept of the Environment List Wilts

Summary: List Source ID: SWI6236

Description: The dovecote was designated a scheduled monument in 1959, and in 1966 it was listed at Grade II*. It stands within the grounds of Avebury Manor, a National Trust property and groups with a high number of listed buildings. The house itself is Grade I listed, as is the barn to the north-east of the dovecote, while the former stables (a museum of local antiquities since 1938) is listed at Grade II. A boundary wall (Grade II) to the stable yard in which the dovecote stands abuts the building on its south side. The Church of St James (Grade I) stands to the south, and to the east are the Avebury henge and stone circles, a scheduled monument.

Source Detail: No Originator information., 1955-1956

Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 56 (master)

Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI941

Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 56

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