Wiltshire and Swindon Historic Environment Record
Details for record number ST85SE300
Title / Name
Romano-British Settlement, Westbury Ironworks
Romano-British settlement
Settlement site discovered during ore digging 1877-82. Site poorly recorded. Finds include pottery, samian ware, coins and brooches ranging from 1st-4th centuries, querns, loom weights and a skeleton. See also unlocated finds made in 1988 - ST85SWU06. An Archaeological evaluation in 2000 illustrated that the entire eastern half, along with parts of the southern and western half of the area thought to contain remains of the Roman settlement have been entirely archaeologically sterilized by past quarrying and railway workings. The central and northern area appear to be partly undisturbed, although there is a deep localized disturbance in the area of Trench 2 of the evaluation. There were 170 found in 1877-1882. NOTE: This 'record' of archaeology being sterilized by quarrying does not appear to be accurate. The evaluation referred to above was on one side of the railway and not fully representative of the entire settlement site as proposed. Furthermore, see also ST85SE322 as a possible location for this settlement site. DV
Monument Types and Dates
SETTLEMENT, Roman (43 to 409)
Other Details
Source Detail: Cunnington, M E; Goddard, E H, 1911
Title: Devizes Museum Catalogue 2 - Master
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI11626
Source Detail: Cunnington, M E; Goddard, E H, 1934
Title: Devizes Museum Catalogue 3 - Master
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI12024
Source Detail: Pugh, R. B. + Crittall, E. + Grinsell, L. V. + Gifford, J., 1957
Title: The Victoria County History of the Counties of England: A History of Wiltshire Vol.1.1 (MASTER)
Summary: Gazetteer Source ID: SWI13104
Additional Information: Oxford University Press 1 1
Source Detail: Annable, F K; Simpson, D D A, 1964
Title: Devizes Museum Catalogue 4 - Master
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI13613
Source Detail: Devizes Museum, 1974
Title: Devizes Museum Accession Register 1974.03
Summary: Register Source ID: SWI16115
Source Detail: Devizes Museum, 1980
Title: Devizes Museum Accession Register 1980.106
Summary: Register Source ID: SWI17372
Source Detail: Devizes Museum, 1984
Title: Devizes Museum Accession Register 1984.13
Summary: Register Source ID: SWI18475
Source Detail: Ellis, Peter ed, 2001
Title: Roman Wiltshire and After: Papers in Honour of Ken Annable
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI22107
Source Detail: Foundations Archaeology, 2000
Title: The Ham, Westbury, Wiltshire
Summary: Evaluation Source ID: SWI24308
Additional Information: Foundations Archaeology
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1891
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 25 (master)
Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI29557
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 25
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1909
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 36 (master)
Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI919
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 36
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1975-1976
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 70/71 (master)
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI964
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 70/71
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1979-1980
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 74/75 (master)
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI974
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 74/75
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1982
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 77 (master)
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI978
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 77
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1986
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 80 (master)
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI982
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 80
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