Wiltshire and Swindon Historic Environment Record
Details for record number ST84NW301
Title / Name
Roman Pottery, Grounds of Chalcot House
Pottery fragments
Monument Types and Dates
Associated finds, Roman (43 to 409)
Other Details
Source Detail: Cunnington, M E; Goddard, E H, 1911
Title: Devizes Museum Catalogue 2 - Master
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI11626
Source Detail: Cunnington, M E; Goddard, E H, 1934
Title: Devizes Museum Catalogue 3 - Master
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI12024
Source Detail: Pugh, R. B. + Crittall, E. + Grinsell, L. V. + Gifford, J., 1957
Title: The Victoria County History of the Counties of England: A History of Wiltshire Vol.1.1 (MASTER)
Summary: Gazetteer Source ID: SWI13104
Additional Information: Oxford University Press 1 1
Description: Pottery, some 1st century, mostly 3rd - 4th century and wasters found.
Source Detail: Devizes Museum, 1976
Title: Devizes Museum Accession Register 1976.183
Summary: Accession Register Source ID: SWI16569
Description: Coin hoard discovered in 1973, 80yards East of Chalcot House. Also a pit exposed the by side of the tennis court c1976.
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1853
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 5 (master)
Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI29547
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 5
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1891
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 25 (master)
Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI29557
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 25
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1909
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 36 (master)
Summary: No summary information. Source ID: SWI919
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 36
Source Detail: No Originator information., 1977-1978
Title: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine - Volume 72/73 (master)
Summary: Publication Source ID: SWI969
Additional Information: The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine Volume 72/73
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